Birthday well wishes for this month are extended to:-
Richard @ Lot 2
Ellen @ Lot 6
John @ Lot 17
Jo @ Lot 20
Susan @ Lot 27
Ray @ Lot 48
David @ Lot 49
Cheryl @ Lot 53
Lee @ Lot 61
To our residents celebrating a December birthday, we celebrate with you and say best wishes for a lovely day enjoyed with loved friends or family members!!
GYM CLASS – I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor’s permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over.
TWO OLD GUYS AT DINNER – An elderly couple has dinner at another couple’s house, and after eating, the wives leave the table and go into the kitchen. The two gentlemen were talking, and one says, ‘Last night we went out to a new restaurant, and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly.’
The other man asks, ‘What is the name of the restaurant?’ The first man thinks and thinks and finally asks, ‘What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know… The one that’s red and has thorns.’
‘Do you mean a rose?’ ‘Yes, that’s the one,’ replied the man. He then turns towards the kitchen and yells, ‘Rose, what’s the name of that restaurant we went to last night?
With Christmas upon us, Village Management would like to wish all residents, family and their friends a wonderful festive and new year period this year. The on-site office will be officially closed to enjoy the period with our families from Monday 26th December and will re-open on Monday 9th January 2023. We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.
Residents are reminded that the speed limit is strictly 10kms when driving through our Village, and we ask that all guests and visitors are reminded of this when they come to visit. Following a request from the Resident Committee recently, we have also installed new signage on the front gates of the Village.
Colourbond fencing is being installed at the back of Tradition Road on 23rd December to minimise dust disturbance being experienced in the village with construction works and also for security reasons.
Village Management are working closely with SCI to ensure residents internet accounts are accurately recording usage data from past periods and are looking forward to sitting with residents in the near future to bring this aspect of our village infrastructure up to date with regard to payments etc for usage past and going forward.
Residents will have noted additional Clubhouse furniture has been purchased recently to accommodate our ever-increasing resident numbers joining us here at the Village.

As we close off the year and get ready for Christmas it was lovely to be sent these photos of Cyril getting into the festive spirit at Lot 58.
David Walden – Lot 24/ 72

Dave Walden has moved into Lot 24 until his own house at Lot 72, 13 Calm Drive is completed.
He is footloose and fancy free (his words) and loves travelling and the outdoors.
He lived and spent his childhood in Wilson and attended Riverton Primary School and Cannington High School.
He became an electrician and claims to have worked from the top of the highest tower to the deepest underground in the mining sector for over 20 years. He then decided to have a change of lifestyle and started driving tour buses, initially in the Southwest but then travelled interstate and to Tasmania with tours driving for APT and other tour companies. He moved interstate and stayed in Tasmania and lived in Hobart for 8 years.
He decided to sell the house in Tasmania and come back to the Perth in March 2022. He has a daughter and granddaughter living in Joondalup. He also has a son who is a doctor living in Coffs Harbour, and he has 5 children.
His interests are mainly related to water activities, so he loves sailing and boating of all types and was involved in surfing, water-skiing and swimming. Although he has never been involved in ball sports and activities, he came to see the action at the carpet bowls during the week.
Linden Burnett – Lot 70

Linden Burnett moved into her new home at Lot 70, 17 Calm Drive during this last week with lots of boxes and much sorting out ahead of her!!
Originally, Linden was from Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) where she was brought up and did her schooling and teacher training as a primary school Teacher.
Later she decided she wanted to travel and went to UK, whilst there she was able to travel extensively throughout Europe. She met and married in London to another Rhodesian national.
They lived near Kew Gardens, London for several years where her daughter was born in 1985. They found London to be so busy and wanted a less hectic lifestyle, so applied to immigrate to Australia. Her brother who was living here sponsored them, so they came to Perth in 1988.
They lived in Bullcreek for many years and her daughter attended Rossmoyne Primary and High schools and Linden taught in various schools in the area and then became a teacher librarian for several years.
Some years later Linden was divorced, and her daughter went to University, Linden decided to have a change and went to Nagasaki in Japan where she taught English and spent over 2 years in Japan.
After her return to Perth she had a job working at various libraries in the government system, often changing from the old cards to the new computerised systems. She spent 15 years working at Curtin University, initially in the Architecture department and various allied departments.
Her daughter Eileen and partner Jason live in Harrisdale with their young son Xander, who will be 3 in February so it was fortunate that Linden could purchase a house in our village and be close to them.
Linden’s interests include her love of books and especially e-books and has a mini library on her kindle. She also loves all sorts of craft and pottery and has her own pottery wheel and equipment.
She has a love of travelling and has done so extensively including visiting all 7 continents with lots of varied experiences including a world trip commencing in Liverpool. Her travels took her to Antarctica where she stayed the night on the land as well as swimming in the ocean where it was -1.5C!! An incredible feat!!
Peter & Gera Bodey (plus Felix and Fussel) – Lot 70

For something a little different this month we also welcome Felix on the left, and Fussel on the right, who have just moved into Lot 64 with their owners Peter and Gera. They had lots of fun helping to unpack all the boxes as they settled in, but that’s finished now and they are enjoying meeting all the tradesmen and visitors coming in the door. Peter and Gera have been living in Perth for two and a half years now. Before that they lived in Victoria where Peter worked in an office and Gera was a Librarian. They have two daughters who both live far away, so Felix and Fussel get spoiled when they come to visit. Luckily, their daughters are not married so Felix and Fussel don’t have to cope with being carried around, or chased, by grandchildren!
Everyone has settled in well to their new home but there is still one mystery to be solved… The fur babies of the house are very curious as to where does Peter and Gera go every morning when they should be getting onto their breakfast? They come back wet and happy, but they still have to wait for their breakfast while they have their showers! Say hello next time you pass the house to Felix and Fussel who will be at the front door watching the world go by.
Please join us as we welcome David, Linden, Peter & Gera and of course Felix and Fussel to our village community and be sure to have a chat to them when you see them around.
A fabulous holiday in South Australia was enjoyed by 9 of our residents recently who cruised down the Murray River on the Proud Mary including a stop at Kangaroo Island for a spot of bird handling.

Back at our village site the red-tailed cockatoos have been enjoying our mature native tree’s that sprawl our site this spring and its always a pleasure to see them up close.

Village Management would like to pass on our thanks to all the gentlemen in the Village who assisted in ensuring our Xmas lights were working and displayed in preparation for the sausage sizzle held on the 2nd December.

The Village vegetable garden is being well tended by a number of residents and has never looked so good.
There are a variety of vegetables being grown and some of these are now ready for harvesting. When harvested many of these vegetables are placed in the lodge and are available for any resident to have in return for a gold coin donation. All funds raised will be banked for the benefit of residents future functions.
Currently, there is silver beet, lettuce and cucumbers available in the Lodge.
Please also remember to please not pick vegetables directly from the garden. Herbs such as rosemary etc you are welcome to help yourself.
Sat 17th December – Village Xmas Dinner – $20 per person. 6pm start. Clubhouse
Sat 31st December – New Years Eve cocktail and karaoke party – $15 per person.
Tues 7th February 2023 – Supa Golf Day – Swan Valley